A PHP Error was encountered

Severity: 8192

Message: Return type of CI_Session_files_driver::open($save_path, $name) should either be compatible with SessionHandlerInterface::open(string $path, string $name): bool, or the #[\ReturnTypeWillChange] attribute should be used to temporarily suppress the notice

Filename: drivers/Session_files_driver.php

Line Number: 132


File: /home/gunungmas/public_html/index.php
Line: 294
Function: require_once

A PHP Error was encountered

Severity: 8192

Message: Return type of CI_Session_files_driver::close() should either be compatible with SessionHandlerInterface::close(): bool, or the #[\ReturnTypeWillChange] attribute should be used to temporarily suppress the notice

Filename: drivers/Session_files_driver.php

Line Number: 294


File: /home/gunungmas/public_html/index.php
Line: 294
Function: require_once

A PHP Error was encountered

Severity: 8192

Message: Return type of CI_Session_files_driver::read($session_id) should either be compatible with SessionHandlerInterface::read(string $id): string|false, or the #[\ReturnTypeWillChange] attribute should be used to temporarily suppress the notice

Filename: drivers/Session_files_driver.php

Line Number: 168


File: /home/gunungmas/public_html/index.php
Line: 294
Function: require_once

A PHP Error was encountered

Severity: 8192

Message: Return type of CI_Session_files_driver::write($session_id, $session_data) should either be compatible with SessionHandlerInterface::write(string $id, string $data): bool, or the #[\ReturnTypeWillChange] attribute should be used to temporarily suppress the notice

Filename: drivers/Session_files_driver.php

Line Number: 237


File: /home/gunungmas/public_html/index.php
Line: 294
Function: require_once

A PHP Error was encountered

Severity: 8192

Message: Return type of CI_Session_files_driver::destroy($session_id) should either be compatible with SessionHandlerInterface::destroy(string $id): bool, or the #[\ReturnTypeWillChange] attribute should be used to temporarily suppress the notice

Filename: drivers/Session_files_driver.php

Line Number: 317


File: /home/gunungmas/public_html/index.php
Line: 294
Function: require_once

A PHP Error was encountered

Severity: 8192

Message: Return type of CI_Session_files_driver::gc($maxlifetime) should either be compatible with SessionHandlerInterface::gc(int $max_lifetime): int|false, or the #[\ReturnTypeWillChange] attribute should be used to temporarily suppress the notice

Filename: drivers/Session_files_driver.php

Line Number: 358


File: /home/gunungmas/public_html/index.php
Line: 294
Function: require_once

A PHP Error was encountered

Severity: Warning

Message: ini_set(): Session ini settings cannot be changed after headers have already been sent

Filename: Session/Session.php

Line Number: 282


File: /home/gunungmas/public_html/index.php
Line: 294
Function: require_once

A PHP Error was encountered

Severity: Warning

Message: session_set_cookie_params(): Session cookie parameters cannot be changed after headers have already been sent

Filename: Session/Session.php

Line Number: 294


File: /home/gunungmas/public_html/index.php
Line: 294
Function: require_once

A PHP Error was encountered

Severity: Warning

Message: ini_set(): Session ini settings cannot be changed after headers have already been sent

Filename: Session/Session.php

Line Number: 304


File: /home/gunungmas/public_html/index.php
Line: 294
Function: require_once

A PHP Error was encountered

Severity: Warning

Message: ini_set(): Session ini settings cannot be changed after headers have already been sent

Filename: Session/Session.php

Line Number: 314


File: /home/gunungmas/public_html/index.php
Line: 294
Function: require_once

A PHP Error was encountered

Severity: Warning

Message: ini_set(): Session ini settings cannot be changed after headers have already been sent

Filename: Session/Session.php

Line Number: 315


File: /home/gunungmas/public_html/index.php
Line: 294
Function: require_once

A PHP Error was encountered

Severity: Warning

Message: ini_set(): Session ini settings cannot be changed after headers have already been sent

Filename: Session/Session.php

Line Number: 316


File: /home/gunungmas/public_html/index.php
Line: 294
Function: require_once

A PHP Error was encountered

Severity: Warning

Message: ini_set(): Session ini settings cannot be changed after headers have already been sent

Filename: Session/Session.php

Line Number: 317


File: /home/gunungmas/public_html/index.php
Line: 294
Function: require_once

A PHP Error was encountered

Severity: Warning

Message: ini_set(): Session ini settings cannot be changed after headers have already been sent

Filename: Session/Session.php

Line Number: 375


File: /home/gunungmas/public_html/index.php
Line: 294
Function: require_once

A PHP Error was encountered

Severity: Warning

Message: session_set_save_handler(): Session save handler cannot be changed after headers have already been sent

Filename: Session/Session.php

Line Number: 110


File: /home/gunungmas/public_html/index.php
Line: 294
Function: require_once

A PHP Error was encountered

Severity: Warning

Message: session_start(): Session cannot be started after headers have already been sent

Filename: Session/Session.php

Line Number: 143


File: /home/gunungmas/public_html/index.php
Line: 294
Function: require_once



Peraturan Polri Nomor 2 Tahun 2021


Susunan Organisasi dan Tata Kerja pada Tingkat Kepolisian Resor dan Kepolisian Sektor



Seksi Profesi dan Pengamanan




Pasal 11

  1. Seksi Profesi dan Pengamanan sebagaimana dimaksud dalam Pasal 6 ayat (3) huruf b, bertugas melaksanakan pengawasan terhadap pembinaan dan pemeliharaan disiplin, pengamanan internal, pertanggungjawaban profesi, pelayanan pengaduan masyarakat mengenai dugaan adanya penyimpangan tindakan pegawai negeri pada Polri, penelitian dan rehabilitasi personel sesuai ketentuan peraturan perundang-undangan.


  1. Dalam melaksanakan tugas sebagaimana dimaksud pada ayat (1), Seksi Profesi dan Pengamanan menyelenggarakan fungsi:
    1. pelayanan, pengendalian dan pemantauan terhadap pengaduan masyarakat tentang penyimpangan sikap dan tindakan pegawai negeri pada Polri yang diduga melakukan pelanggaran disiplin dan/atau kode etik profesi Polri;
    2. pembinaan dan pengamanan internal yang meliputi personel, materiil, kegiatan dan bahan keterangan;
    3. pembinaan dan penegakan disiplin dan/atau kode etik profesi Polri; dan
    4. pembinaan profesi yang meliputi pembinaan etika profesi, audit investigasi kasus baik eksternal maupun internal dan penegakan etika profesi Polri.


Pasal 12

  1. Seksi Profesi dan Pengamanan sebagaimana dimaksud dalam Pasal 11, terdiri atas:
    1. Unit Provos;
    2. Unit Pengamanan Internal; dan
    3. Urusan Administrasi.


  1. Unit Provos sebagaimana dimaksud pada ayat (1) huruf a,bertugas menyelenggarakan penegakan disiplin, pemeliharaan tata tertib, melaksanakan pemeriksaan, pemberkasan dan sidang disiplin, pengamanan dan pengawalan pelaksanaan sidang disiplin, mengawasi pelaksanaan putusan hukum disiplin, pengamanan terbuka kegiatan personel serta melaksanakan pembinaan etika profesi kepolisian, penegakan etika, melaksanakan audit investigasi, pemeriksaan, pemberkasan, penuntutan dan sidang kode etik profesi Polri.


  1. Unit Pengamanan Internal sebagaimana dimaksud pada ayat (1) huruf b, bertugas melakukan pengamanan internal terhadap personel, materiil logistik, kegiatan dan bahan keterangan, penyelidikan terhadap dugaan pelanggaran disiplin dan/atau kode etik yang dilakukan oleh pegawai negeri pada Polri, penelitian, pencatatan, pendokumentasian dan pengadministrasian kegiatan pengamanan internal sesuai lingkup tugasnya.


  1. Urusan Administrasi sebagaimana dimaksud pada ayat (1) huruf c, bertugas menyelenggarakan kegiatan administrasi personel, logistik dan administrasi umum serta pelayanan penerimaan pengaduan masyarakat mengenai penyimpangan sikap dan tindakan pegawai negeri pada Polri yang diduga melakukan pelanggaran disiplin dan/atau kode etik profesi Polri.